Monday, November 23, 2015

Monologue: Living is the Easy Part

Some people say that life is hard. Life is unfair. Life is complicated. My jobs sucks, I have too much homework, I don’t know how I’ll get through the day.
Sound familiar?
Well, what about death? I'll bet you that, is harder, because I’ve been through that.
... I’ve never tried to kill myself... Always wanted to though. Never had the balls. 
Some days I was just too tired to set anything up. Even that, was too much effort.

So I space it out. 
I try to kill myself a little each day. 
I know smoking is unhealthy, maybe I’ll get cancer. I know STD’s are out there, hopefully I'll catch one. You should look both ways before crossing the street, maybe a car will hit me.
Sometimes, it’s not all about putting a gun to your head, or hanging yourself from the middle of a bridge. Sometimes it's just not putting any effort into living. 
That’s just how I’ll live, as a dead man walking. Until one of these things gets me, or I finally man up and do it myself. So if you ever think that your life is hard, I’ll bet you that dying is harder.


  1. Hi John, I hope this is fiction and you really don't feel this way. There's so much life out there to live. I wish you well.

  2. Don't worry, it's fiction. Thank you for your concern!
